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Criw Cymraeg 2024-25
Sut wyt ti?
Dw i’n hapus/dda iawn/drist/grac/
fendigedig/sâl ac yn …
Dw i wedi blino ac yn …
Sut mae Sam?
Mae Sam yn hapus/dda iawn/gyffrous/
Mae Sam wedi blino
Trac yr wythnos – PS1 and 2
Caru Canu – Pum Crocodeil
Trac yr wythnos - PS3
Harbwr Diogel – Elin Fflur
Dyma Criw Cymraeg (Here is Criw Cymraeg)
Rydyn ni’n hoffi siarad Cymraeg (We like speaking Welsh)
Criw Blwyddyn Dau
Criw Blwyddyn Pedwar
Criw Blwyddyn Tri
Criw Blwyddyn Pump
Criw Blwyddyn Chwech
We are the Criw Cymraeg of Holton Primary School and are representatives from Year 2 to Year 6. We decided we would like to be on the Criw Cymraeg for our class, took part in class elections in September and were successfully voted on by our class.Our aim is to improve the amount of Welsh used throughout our school and to promote Welsh traditions and Culture. We are working hard to achieve the Silver Award for Cymraeg Campus. This is a language charter to promote and increase the use of Welsh across the whole school.
Beth rydyn ni’n wneud? (What do we do?)
We meet fortnightly to discuss our Ymadrodd yr Wythnos (Phrase of the week) to share with the school.
We share ideas of how to further develop Welsh across the school.
We have decided that we would like to build on last year’s Criw Cymraeg’s great work of introducing a range of playtime games for outside and to create a folder of ideas of Welsh games to play during a wet playtime.
We look through the targets and see how we are progressing with each one.
We share information about Welsh celebrations throughout the year and collect ideas of how to celebrate these.
We share the Ymadrodd yr Wythnos (Phrase of the Week) in our weekly Welsh assembly, give out Siaradwr Cymraeg yr Wythnos (Welsh speaker of the Week) certificates and introduce our Welsh Prayer.
We have introduced a class mascot system where a dragon in each class goes home for the weekend to help use more Welsh at home.
Beth rydyn ni wedi wneud? (What have we done?)
The 2022-2023 Criw Cymraeg worked incredibly hard to increase the amount of Welsh used in and out of class. In July 2023, they achieved the Cymraeg Campus (Language Charter) Bronze Award which is fantastic.
The classes were surveyed and a range of Welsh yard games were introduced.
They introduced more Welsh to be used in the dinner hall.
A reward system was introduced using Welsh Dojos and certificates for Siaradwr yr Wythnos.
A variety of important Welsh celebrations were enjoyed across the school.