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Vision & Mission
Our Mission Statement...
Nurture, Inspire & Flourish Together
Our Vision…
Holton Primary School has three vision principles that are the foundation for our strategic purpose and aspirations for the future. We are committed to:
Nurturing relationships through wellbeing and learning
Inspiring a love of learning
Creating the conditions for learners to flourish
* Nurturing relationships through learning and wellbeing
All staff at Holton Primary are committed to developing strong relationships, working together as a team with trust, respect and support. We will appreciate our similarities and take pride in the diverse nature of our community and the wider world.
* Inspiring a love of learning
All staff at Holton Primary are committed to providing an inspiring curriculum where children are empowered to take increasing ownership and an active role in their learning. We will support each other, so that we may all flourish and be the best we can be.
*Creating the climate for learners to flourish
All staff at Holton Primary are committed to creating an environment where wellbeing is at the heart of our school. We prioritise the development of resilience, respect and celebrate success. We will ensure that learners feel included through a safe, calm and purposeful environment.
Our Principles into Practice…
1. To provide an inspirational and meaningful curriculum, providing challenge and meeting the needs of all learners
2. To encourage curiosity, interest and a sense of wonder in the world around us
3. To teach children how to become increasingly independent and reflective learners
4. To ensure learner voice and positive engagement underpin our needs and aspirations
5. To nurture our school and wider community, ensuring everyone is safe, valued and treated with respect
6. To support each other and challenge ourselves to take risks, have self-belief and develop a passion for learning
7. To create experiences and opportunities that develop children socially, emotionally, culturally and foster a sense of belonging
8. To celebrate the achievements of children, staff and families, proud of our place in Holton, in Barry and Wales
9. To value our unique differences, celebrate diversity and individuality
Our 3 school rules require us to ask ourselves…
Is it safe?
Is it responsible?
Is it respectful?
A culture of learning @ Holton Primary School
An environment for learning
Language of learning
Modelling learning
Expectations for learning
Relationships for learning
Opportunities for learning
Routines for learning
Time for learning